hyuu.cc - SRB2Kart FAQ (2025)

Table of Contents
When I try to join a server, I see the message "You have WAD files loaded or have modified the game in some way, and your file list does not match the server's file list." What gives? 🔗 How do I install addons/mods? 🔗 My game is stuck on the Kart Krew logo with a message about "I_InitJoystick()". What's wrong? 🔗 How do I host a server / play a private game with friends? 🔗 My server doesn't work. Help! 🔗 Server doesn't show in the list Server is in the list, but everyone gets "Connecting to server" forever NetXCmd errors during startup / while loading config How do I join my own server? 🔗 How do I install the game? 🔗 On startup, I get "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)." What gives? 🔗 Is there single-player content that isn't Record Attack? 🔗 I loaded a bunch of characters and some of them are missing, or their stats or portraits are screwed up. What's happening? 🔗 How can I play online with [my favorite character addon]? 🔗 How do I turn on 3D models? 🔗 I'm stuck at "Waiting to download files" or "Waiting to download game state" when joining a server. 🔗 My controller is fucked up and doesn't work. 🔗 I'm trying to join a server, but it says I can't download the files. What gives? 🔗 My game crashed with a message about "$$$.sav". What's happening? 🔗 How do I combine multiple characters/maps/mods/addons into a single file? 🔗 How do I get unbanned from a netgame server? 🔗 Has [insert character] been made yet? 🔗 Can someone make [insert mod] for me? 🔗 How do I open the console? 🔗 How do I convert .LMP replays to another format? 🔗 Is "hyuu.cc" pronounced "hy-uck" like Goofy says it, or like the "yook" in "Yooka Laylee" with a silent h? 🔗

This page is not an official Kart Krew resource. Please don't bother them about this page, they're busy.
(★HOT TIP★: if you're getting a particular error, try using Ctrl+F to search for the message.)

Back to hyuu.cc

When I try to join a server, I see the message "You have WAD files loaded or have modified the game in some way, and your file list does not match the server's file list." What gives? 🔗

Don't load any addons before joining servers; the game will add them automatically for you when you connect. If you've already loaded addons, just restart the game and try to join again.

How do I install addons/mods? 🔗

Download them from the SRB2 message board or the SRB2Kart character chart. Place them in your SRB2Kart folder—anywhere will work, but I recommend using a subfolder to keep them organized. If you've played netgames before, you might also already have addons in your DOWNLOAD folder.

Then, load your desired addons through the Addons menu in-game, or by using addfile in the console.

My game is stuck on the Kart Krew logo with a message about "I_InitJoystick()". What's wrong? 🔗

Kart is getting stuck trying to connect to your gamepad. Unplug any connected controllers and try again; you can replug them when the game's up and running.

hyuu.cc - SRB2Kart FAQ (1)

How do I host a server / play a private game with friends? 🔗

  • Forward port 5029 over UDP
  • Main MenuMultiplayerHost a Game (Internet / LAN)
  • If you want your server to be publicly listed, set Advterise to Yes (or use advertise 1 in console.
  • Start the game! Other players should be able to join using your external IP.

If you think you've followed these steps, but still run into errors, see below.

My server doesn't work. Help! 🔗

Look for your problem below.

Server doesn't show in the list

  • Make sure you've set Advertise to On. On a dedicated server, you do this by specifying advertise 1 in your console or configs.

Server is in the list, but everyone gets "Connecting to server" forever

  • Use this utility to check whether your server is reachable. (Make sure your server is up.)
  • Check that you have forwarded port 5029 over UDP.
  • Check that your firewall isn't interfering with your game.
  • If you use a third-party antivirus (e.g. anything that isn't Windows Defender), temporarily turn it off and see if that helps.
  • If you're at the end of this list and your server is still unreachable, you've either made a mistake, or you need to call your ISP and ask for help.

NetXCmd errors during startup / while loading config

Your config is trying to do too many things at once. This usually happens because you're trying to use addfile too many times; load your addons with the -file parameter instead (recommended), or add wait commands in between them (lazy and bad).

hyuu.cc - SRB2Kart FAQ (2)

How do I join my own server? 🔗

Launch the game on another port, then specify the port of your server when connecting.

Example: srb2kart.exe -port 0 -connect

How do I install the game? 🔗

Make a new folder for Kart and move the file you downloaded into it. (Don't put it inside Program Files.) Double-click the downloaded file and extract. When that's finished, double-click the "SRB2Kart (Standard)" or "SRB2Kart (OpenGL)" files. You're done!

On startup, I get "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)." What gives? 🔗

This is almost always because you're using 32-bit DLLs with a 64-bit game, or vice versa. Double-check that you're using the right executable. (Most community builds are 32-bit!)

Is there single-player content that isn't Record Attack? 🔗

Not yet. Bots are planned for a later version, but that won't be coming for a while.

I loaded a bunch of characters and some of them are missing, or their stats or portraits are screwed up. What's happening? 🔗

There is a hard limit of 128 skins. Make sure you're not going over this value.

How can I play online with [my favorite character addon]? 🔗

Find a server that hosts that character, or host a server yourself. A server's addon choice determines what's available to players.

How do I turn on 3D models? 🔗

Launch the game using the OpenGL renderer, using the -opengl parameter. On Windows, you can also do this by launching the included SRB2Kart (OpenGL).bat.

Once you've done this, an option for 3D Models should appear under Video Options.

(I pity you.)

I'm stuck at "Waiting to download files" or "Waiting to download game state" when joining a server. 🔗

Try again—if it doesn't work on the second attempt, close the game, let the host know that their server is having trouble, and find another server. This is a known bug in the in-game downloader, and unfortunately it requires the host's attention to fix.

My controller is fucked up and doesn't work. 🔗

Check to make sure your controller axes and buttons are properly configured; there is a separate screen for mapping triggers and sticks! You may also need to check for conflicts in virtual gamepad mappers, like vJoy.
The default configuration is made with Xbox 360 controllers in mind, so anything that will translate your controller to a virtual 360 controller might help.

I'm trying to join a server, but it says I can't download the files. What gives? 🔗

This is usually because the host screwed up. It might also be a private game using unreleased files. When in doubt, ask!

Hosts: If players are getting this error from you, you probably need to raise maxsend. Also double-check that downloading is On.

My game crashed with a message about "$$$.sav". What's happening? 🔗

Don't install the game to Program Files, or any other folder already used by Windows. Give it its own folder, far away from that stuff.

How do I combine multiple characters/maps/mods/addons into a single file? 🔗

Never do this. Repacks cause confusion, add complication, piss off addon creators, and are not worth it no matter what you think your reasons are.

How do I get unbanned from a netgame server? 🔗

Contact the host and politely explain your case. Whatever you do, don't throw a fit in the Kart Krew Discord, or you'll get banned from there as well.

Has [insert character] been made yet? 🔗

Use the search function on the SRB2 message board, or check the SRB2 Wiki for a character chart.

Can someone make [insert mod] for me? 🔗

Modding can be demanding work, and almost everyone with the required expertise and time is already busy working on projects they're personally interested in.

Make it yourself! There are tutorials everywhere—you only need a little knowledge to get started, and if you're considerate, experienced modders will usually be happy to help.

If not, find a favorite artist, mapper, or programmer and (politely) ask if they're open for commissions. (With money. Because modding is hard.)

How do I open the console? 🔗

Press the ~ key. It's the one above Tab, if you can't find it or you're on a non-US layout.

Note that this only works during games or on the title screen. If you're in the menus, nothing will happen; back out with the ESC key until your screen looks like the picture below.

hyuu.cc - SRB2Kart FAQ (3)

How do I convert .LMP replays to another format? 🔗

.LMP files can only be read by SRB2Kart. Press F9 to use the in-game GIF recorder, or use your favorite screen recording software—I recommend OBS Studio.

Is "hyuu.cc" pronounced "hy-uck" like Goofy says it, or like the "yook" in "Yooka Laylee" with a silent h? 🔗


hyuu.cc - SRB2Kart FAQ (2025)
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.